What You Need to Sensualize Your Relaxation Time

What You Need to Sensualize Your Relaxation Time

Did you know that 48% of Americans have reported that their stress levels have increased in recent years?

With stress levels on the rise in the United States, it’s more important than ever that we optimize our relaxation time and kick stress to the curb.

In this article, we’re going to explore the top techniques to add sensuality to your relaxation routine. Let’s get into it.

Classic Relaxation Techniques

Sensual activities aren’t exclusive to sex. By adding sensual moments to your day, you can release pent-up stress and find yourself in a more relaxed state. Let’s go over a few ways you can begin to add sensual experiences to your daily routine.


There’s a reason that deep, meditative breathing is so often hailed as a relaxation technique. When you take the time to breathe deeply, you’re taking in more oxygen, slowing your heart rate, and reducing your cortisol levels.

Use this method for deep breathing:

  • Inhale for five seconds
  • Hold your breath for five seconds
  • Exhale for five seconds
  • Repeat as needed


Scent can have a noticeable impact on our mood, making it a powerful tool to promote relaxation. You can use this to your advantage by finding which scents you genuinely love, and that help you relax. This may take a bit of trial and error, but it is well worth it.

Some of the typical scents and pure essential oils used for stress relief in aromatherapy include lavender, ylang-ylang, cedarwood, orange, and lemon. Once you’ve found a scent you love, arm yourself with candles, lotions, or roll-ons to enjoy it as needed.

Set the Mood With Music

Another physical sense that can influence our mood is sound. The key to this technique is to find relaxing music that you enjoy; nature sounds don’t work for everyone. Perhaps you enjoy sounds of storms or smooth jazz; the vital part is that the music is soothing to you.

Solo Sensual Relaxation Time

Sensual self-touching can help you get in the mood for some solo-playtime, but it doesn’t have to lead there. You can use sensual touch as a way to practice self-care and bond with yourself.


Using self-massage is a great way to get started with sensual solo touching and soothe your aches and pains. Try using your favorite scented lotion for this technique to get the combined benefits of aromatherapy and massage.

Erogenous Zones

Erogenous zones are areas of our bodies that are sensitive to pleasure. Discovering your erogenous zones doesn’t have to entail masturbation or intercourse. 

Experiment by running your fingers over your body and see which sensations feel good. When you find these sensations, try out different strokes or amounts of pressure to see if you can enhance them and make it feel even better.

Relaxing Masturbation

When it comes to relaxation, no list is complete without talking about masturbation. You don’t need to have intercourse with a partner to capitalize on the rush of endorphins brought on by the big-O.

Now that you’ve done some exploration with self-massage and erogenous zones, it’s time to put that new-found knowledge to work. You have a variety of options when it comes to creams and lotions that can enhance your masturbatory experience. 

Like some of the other relaxation techniques we’ve mentioned, it will take some trial and error to discover what you like best. The important thing is to have fun and take the exploration at your own pace.

Say Goodbye to Stress

Finding the right techniques is critical to optimizing your relaxation time. Have you tried any of the methods we talked about today? Let us know in the comments below!