What Are the Next Steps To Take if I’m Injured at Work?

Injured at Work

Sustaining an injury at work can be a traumatic experience, leaving you in physical, emotional, and financial distress. While going through the pain from the injury, you may also wonder how you will pay your bills and support your family while out of work.

The good news is that by taking the appropriate steps following a work injury, you can protect yourself and get the financial support you need as you focus on your recovery.  

Here are the steps you should take if you are injured at work.

Seek Immediate Medical Attention

Your health should be your top priority if you are injured at work. Seek medical attention immediately from the workplace first aid personnel or the closest emergency medical facility. 

After that, visit a doctor to assess the extent of your workplace injuries.  Even if your injury seems minor, getting a medical evaluation is essential to ensure there aren’t any underlying conditions or injuries. The doctor will also provide a medical record that you can use to prove you got injured on the job.

Gather Photo And Video Evidence

If you can, take photos and videos of the accident scene where you got injured or any visible injuries you sustained. Photos and videos can help determine the cause of your injury and provide compelling evidence that you were injured at work and not anywhere else. 

Notify Your Employer 

Notifying your employer immediately after sustaining a work injury is crucial. In most cases, you must report the injury within 24 hours. Remember to provide a written or email notification, which can be used as proof of your notification. Indicate details about your injury, when it occurred, and the circumstances surrounding it. Failure to report the injury on time can harm your chances of receiving benefits, so promptly notify your employer if you are injured at work.

Complete An Incident Report

Your employer should provide you with an incident report to complete. If they don’t, request it outright. Ensure you fill the report as accurately and thoroughly as possible.

File A Workers Comp Claim

In most states, employers are legally required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. After reporting your injury and completing the incident report, your employer should submit a workers comp claim to their insurance company. Filing a claim ensures you receive benefits such as medical expenses, lost wages, and other related costs when injured at work.

Ensure you file your claim immediately to avoid missing the deadline.

Keep Detailed Records

Keep records of everything related to the injury, including medical records, dates you have missed work, and medical bills. You should also document any losses you have incurred due to the injury. These records can be helpful when filing your workers comp claim.

Take The Appropriate Steps After Being Injured at Work

Taking the appropriate steps after being injured at work is crucial to ensure a smooth recovery process. This includes seeking immediate medical attention, putting together necessary evidence, notifying your employer, filing a workers comp claim, and documenting all related expenses and losses. By following these steps, you can ensure that you get fair compensation for your injuries and focus on your recovery without worrying about financial burdens.

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