This Waiter in China Carries Food On His Head. Never Broke a Single Dish in 38 Years

Waiter in China Carries Food On His Head. Never Broke a Single Dish in 38 Years

We have seen unusual restaurants, foods and what not. But have you ever come across a waiter who serves food off his head, and can carry several plates altogether, balancing them on his head? Well, meet this unusual waiter who does exactly the same thing. He is said to be carrying the 200 years old tradition of the village. Read the full story to know more:

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  • Chen ChangaFa, 66, lives in a village in southwest China, he carries food on his head for 38 years. You will be shocked to know that he has never ever broken a single dish in 38 years.
  • Chen carries around 10 dishes, sometimes more, on his head on a two metre long try. 
  • He walks confidently with 10 dishes on his head, along the costumers. He has an ability to carry 18 dishes altogether, that too in less than 20 minutes.
  • He has to wear a head gear around his head to balance a tray that weighs 10kg. He has carried more than 300,000 dishes in past 38 years.
  • He is often invited by the locals to perform during wedding and festivals. He is a charm for guests and also helpful to serve hundreds of guests in the events.
  • He wears simple clothing and has minimal equipment to perfume this daily exercise of serving food. He says “ I am wearing these no matter it’s winter or summer, it helps me to carry food around easily”
  • Chen told a reporter that “I have been learning the skill since I was 27 and carried over tens of thousands of bowls every year and never broke a single dish.”
  • The tradition of carrying food on the head is a part of the village history. It almost 200 years old tradition from the Qing Dynasty and there are only two men in the village who can perform that. Chen is the 9th generation.
  • The tradition is called ‘Da Pen’. It started in 1700, and was invented to sever food to a large number of customers in a short period of time. It gradually became the tradition.