Using Personal Loans for Major Purchases: What You Need to Consider

Personal Loans
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Major purchases refer to the significant investments we make that often require substantial money. These purchases typically involve buying high-value items or assets intended to last for an extended period or considerably impact our daily lives.

While some people may have savings aside for these expenses, others may need to explore alternative financing options. One such option is personal loans, which can provide a lump sum for a major purchase.

However, evaluating everything is essential to ensure it aligns with your financial goals and budget before opting for a personal loan. 

Factors to Consider Before Applying for a Personal Loan

Before taking a personal loan for a major purchase, it’s essential to consider several factors to ensure that the loan is right for you. Here are some of the factors to consider:

Credit Score and Credit History

Your credit score and history are crucial factors in determining your eligibility for a personal loan. Most lenders require a minimum credit score to qualify for a personal loan, and the higher your score, the better your chances of getting approved and securing a lower interest rate.

Additionally, having a history of missed or late payments, defaults, or bankruptcies can adversely impact your creditworthiness and make it difficult getting approved for a loan. Even if you get approved, you might get offered a higher interest rate to compensate for the increased risk.

That said, it’s crucial to maintain a good credit score and credit history before applying for a personal loan to secure the best terms and rates. While it’s true that maintaining a good credit score and credit history can help borrowers secure better terms and rates for a personal loan, bad credit borrowers still have options. 

Some lenders specialize in providing personal loans for borrowers with less-than-perfect credit, and online lenders like CreditNinja may be able to offer CreditNinja loans online to borrowers who traditional lenders have turned down.

Loan Amount and Interest Rate

The amount you can borrow and the interest rate you’ll pay for a personal loan are also important factors to consider before applying. Lenders generally have minimum and maximum loan amounts, and your creditworthiness may also limit the amount you can borrow.

So be sure to know the amount of the major expense you plan to finance with a personal loan. Because if you do, it’ll be easier to compare lenders who offer loans in that amount range. 

Repayment Terms and Monthly Payments

Personal loans typically have fixed repayment terms, meaning you’ll make a set number of payments over a certain period. The repayment term can vary depending on the lender and the amount borrowed, ranging from a few months to several years.

It is essential to calculate your monthly payments and ensure they fit within your budget before applying for a personal loan. Lower monthly payments can be achieved by either opting for a higher loan amount or extending the repayment period.

Nevertheless, this also implies that you’ll end up paying a greater amount in interest throughout the duration of the loan. On the other hand, a shorter repayment term or a higher monthly payment may save you money in interest charges, but it can also be more challenging to fit those payments within your budget.

That said, it’s crucial to choose a repayment term and monthly payment that you’re comfortable with, and that fits within your budget. Defaulting on a loan or missing payments can have serious consequences, including damage to your credit score and collection efforts from the lender.

Fees and Penalties

Before applying for a loan, it’s essential to carefully read the loan terms and conditions to ensure you understand all associated fees and penalties that may increase the total cost of the loan. These fees may include origination fees, late fees, or prepayment penalties, so thoroughly examine the fine print.

Types of Major Purchases that Personal Loans Can be Used for 

Personal loans can be used to finance a variety of major purchases. One common use for this financing option is home renovations. Homeowners may take out a personal loan to fund a kitchen remodel, bathroom upgrade, or new roof installation.

Another common use for personal loans is covering unexpected medical expenses, such as hospital bills or surgery. It’s especially true for those who don’t have health insurance or have a high deductible.

Personal loans can also finance elective medical procedures, such as fertility treatments or cosmetic surgery, which insurance may not cover. Moreover, personal loans can cover special events or experiences, such as a wedding or a dream vacation.

Additionally, personal loans can be used to finance moving expenses. A personal loan can provide the funds to cover expenses such as paying for storage facilities, purchasing packing supplies, and renting a moving truck.


It’s important to remember that taking out a personal loan for a major purchase should be carefully considered. Before applying for a personal loan, borrowers must ensure that the loan amount is within their budget and can afford to make the monthly payments.

Read Also: Do’s and Don’ts of Repaying Your Personal Loans Early