Strategies to Increase the Chances of IPO Allotment

IPO Allotment

The allure of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) is undeniable in the investment world. With the potential for substantial gains, investors often vie for a piece of the action. However, getting an allotment in a high-demand IPO can be challenging. In this post, we’ll explore practical strategies to enhance your chances of securing an IPO allotment.

Understanding the IPO Allotment Process

Before diving into strategies, it’s important to understand that IPO allotments are often based on a lottery system when oversubscribed. However, there are still ways to tilt the odds in your favor.

1. Apply Under the Retail Investor Category

  • Maximize Your Quota: Retail investors often have a specific quota in the IPO. Applying under this category can sometimes offer better chances than the non-institutional or qualified institutional buyers (QIB) categories.

2. Use Multiple Demat Accounts

  • Spread Your Bets: Applying through multiple Demat accounts (in the name of different family members) can increase your chances. Each account is treated separately, enhancing the probability of allotment.

3. Avoid Oversubscription

  • Choose Wisely: Highly oversubscribed IPOs naturally have lower chances of allotment. Targeting IPOs with moderate interest can sometimes be a more strategic choice.

4. Bid at the Cut-Off Price

  • Stay in the Game: Bidding at the cut-off price ensures that you remain in the pool of potential allottees, regardless of the final issue price.

5. Apply for the Minimum Lot Size

  • Play the Numbers: Opting for just one lot (

the minimum number of shares offered in an IPO) can sometimes increase your chances. When an IPO is oversubscribed, allotments are often made pro-rata, but preference might be given to those who bid for only one lot to maximize retail participation.

6. Keep Sufficient Funds in Your Account

  • Ensure Readiness: Make sure you have enough funds in your account to cover the application. Applications can be rejected if there’s insufficient balance at the time of allotment.

7. Avoid Last Minute Applications

  • Be Timely: Submit your application well before the deadline. Technical glitches or other issues can arise with last-minute submissions.

8. Stay Updated with Market Sentiments

  • Do Your Homework: Keep a tab on market sentiments and expert opinions about the IPO. It can provide insights into potential oversubscription and other crucial factors.

9. Check the Allotment Criteria in the Prospectus

  • Know the Rules: Each IPO might have slightly different allotment criteria. Familiarize yourself with these details in the prospectus to tailor your application strategy accordingly.

10. Consider the Company’s Fundamentals

  • Invest Wisely: While not directly related to allotment, understanding the company’s fundamentals is crucial. A successful IPO allotment should align with your investment goals and risk profile.


While there’s no guaranteed formula for securing an IPO allotment, these strategies can improve your chances. Remember, investing in IPOs should be done judiciously, keeping in mind your overall investment strategy and risk tolerance. Happy investing!

Have you tried these strategies for IPO allotments? Share your experiences and any additional tips in the comments below!

This blog post offers a comprehensive guide on increasing the chances of IPO allotment, providing both new and seasoned investors with actionable strategies to navigate the competitive IPO landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions about Increasing Chances of IPO Allotment

Q1: What is an IPO allotment?

A1: An IPO allotment is the process through which a company distributes its shares to investors who have applied for them in an Initial Public Offering (IPO). Depending on the demand, shares may be allotted proportionally or through a lottery system.

Q2: Can I apply for an IPO in multiple categories?

A2: No, an investor can only apply in one category (like retail or non-institutional) for an IPO. Applying in multiple categories with the same PAN number can lead to the rejection of your application.

Q3: Is it beneficial to bid at the highest price band in an IPO?

A3: Bidding at the cut-off price or the highest price band can increase your chances of allotment in case the

IPO is oversubscribed. The cut-off price means you agree to pay whatever price is determined at the end of the book-building process, up to the maximum price.

Q4: How does oversubscription affect IPO allotment?

A4: In an oversubscribed IPO, where demand exceeds the number of shares available, the chances of getting an allotment decrease. Allotment in such cases is often done through a lottery system among the applicants.

Q5: Can I increase my IPO allotment chances by applying with a large application amount?

A5: Not necessarily. For retail investors, applying for more than one lot does not significantly increase the chances of allotment, especially in an oversubscribed IPO. It’s often more strategic to apply for just one lot.

Q6: How does using multiple Demat accounts work for increasing allotment chances?

A6: You can apply for an IPO using Demat accounts of different family members or dependents. Since allotments are done per account, this increases the overall likelihood of securing shares in the IPO.

Q7: Is there a risk in applying through multiple Demat accounts?

A7: The primary risk is the financial requirement to fund each application. Each application needs to have sufficient funds to cover the bid, which can tie up significant capital until the allotment is finalized or the funds are released.

Q8: How long do I need to keep funds in my account after applying for an IPO?

A8: Funds need to be maintained in your account until the finalization of the allotment process. If allotted, the amount will be deducted; if not, the hold on the funds will be released.

Q9: What happens if I apply for an IPO and don’t get an allotment?

A9: If you don’t receive an allotment, the amount blocked in your account for the IPO bid will be released back to you. This process usually happens within a few days after the allotment process is completed.

Q10: Should I always aim for IPOs with a high Grey Market Premium (GMP)?

A10: While a high GMP can indicate strong market interest, it should not be the sole criterion for applying to an IPO. GMP is an unofficial and speculative indicator and should be considered alongside the company’s fundamentals and market conditions.

These FAQs are designed to provide quick and clear answers to common questions related to increasing the chances of IPO allotment, offering valuable insights to both novice and experienced investors in the IPO market.

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