Storing your Tarot Cards: What you Need to Know

Online Tarot Card Readings

The tarot card is one of the most treasured possessions for every reader. According to OnlineTarotReadings.Net, regardless if the person is a reader or collector, tarot cards should be stored properly. Like other things, tarot cards will last longer if the user can take care of it well. 

Tarot cards are made of paper, though not the ordinary papers. They are prone all the time, from reshuffling and mixing. There are probably instances that some people are using those cards too. With these, they are likely to be worn and torn apart. Besides the need to care for its longevity, the energy stored and washed away, and the bonded ones are other reasons why caring for these cards is essential.

Taking Care of the Tarot Cards

Clothing like spread cloth is one of the best ways to use in storing your tarot cards. There are many kinds of fabrics to use to keep those cards, though most card owners prefer silk types. When it comes to designs and colors, most people prefer plain black cloths, but there is no required cloth color to use. Any colors and designs can use to keep those cards. What is important is that it will not distract you or interfere with your reading.

Storing the Tarot Cards

Tarot cards come in beautiful box packages, and these are good options to store it longer. But there are other ways to save them, especially if you have more than one deck of tarot cards. You can consider tarot card bags like drawstring pouches with some fantastic designs on it. There are also tarot card boxes that vary in designs and sizes to fit all of your cards.

While there are no specific rules in choosing the best storage for your tarot cards, the best way is to follow your intuitions. Go with what feels right for you. 

Other Considerations in Storing the Tarot Cards


Make sure that the place where you use and keep your cards are always clean and dry. Meanwhile, if you have a place you consider a sacred one like the altar, you can store your tarot cards there if you are comfortable to do so.

People and Pets

Another essential matter in safekeeping your tarot cards is considering your household members. If you have younger family members like toddlers or preschoolers who are quite careless in things and are likely to throw away stuff, you must store your cards in a place where they cannot reach. Meanwhile, if you have pets in the house, they are very prone not only to destroy your cards but also to distraction. So, you must also keep your cards where it can be inaccessible to them. Ensure also that they are not around when you do your cleaning and charging your tarot cards.


Besides knowing how to use and store tarot cards properly, some put other things that they believe might bring additional energy and positive vibes into it. Things like pieces of crystals and twig of some herbs placed along the tarot cards are supposed to help maintain the high energy levels of the cards. With these, it is crucial to consider the healing properties you wish to have around your cards in choosing from a variety of gemstones and herbs.