How to Sell a House as-is: 5 Tips For Selling a Problematic Home

Selling a Problematic Home

Are you ready to give up your problematic home in place of a better one? Here’s our guide on how to sell a home as-is and still make a profit off of it.

By the end of 2020, 6.12 million homes will get sold. Many people sell their homes due to financial, personal, space, and life-changing reasons. 

Some homeowners take the time to remodel their house and sell it for a profit. However, what happens when you have to sell a home as-is without doing any upgrades?

If you need to sell a home as-is, you came to the right place. Read on to learn how to sell a house as-is. 

Work on the Landscape and Curb Appeal

Even if you’re thinking about selling a problematic home, it doesn’t mean you can’t make the property more attractive. Before you list a home as-is, you need to think about first impressions. 

When a potential buyer arrives to look at the property, the first thing they will notice is the curb appeal. 

While you don’t have to completely re-do the landscaping, little changes can go a long way. Start by mowing the lawn, clearing out all the weeds, and planting a few fresh flowers. 

Make sure you take a step back and remove anything else that might create more clutter in the backyard, garage, shed, and driveway. Remember that you want to show potential buyers a clean canvas. 

Cleaning up and decluttering will say to buyers I’m proud of selling my property as is.

Small Changes Go a Long Way

If you don’t have the time or budget to remodel a problematic house, you can still make significant changes. You don’t have to change all of the kitchen cabinets or remodel the bathrooms to see significant changes. 

To increase your chances of selling the home or getting a better price, you can make small repairs around the house. Simple projects include:

  • Patch any holes on the walls
  • Work on the landscape
  • Repair broken doors or hinges
  • Fix any leaky pipes
  • Deep clean tubs and toilets
  • Repair any worn-out caulking 
  • Deep clean the carpets

These projects are not very expensive but can make a big difference in the appearance of your house. 

Renovation Loans

Many potential buyers don’t want to take on a big home renovation project. However, there’s nothing wrong with inspiring them. 

You can have your real estate agent offer some renovation loan resources in the listing. Knowing there are renovation loans available, might make a buyer more comfortable to take on the project.

Don’t Focus on the Negative

When you’re selling a home as is, you will feel inclined to disclose the issues to the buyer. While you can still remain transparent with the buyer, it doesn’t mean you can’t highlight the great features of the home. 

Price It Right

In the process of selling a home as is, it’s important you work with your real estate agent to price the house right. 

A great real estate agent will calculate the value of your remodeled home and subtract the cost of the repairs to get the best price. 

This Is How to Sell a House As Is

Now that you know how to sell a house as is, you’re ready for the next step. Start by working on improving curb appeal, make small changes, highlight the best features, and price it right. 

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