This Persian cat was carrying half his weight in his fur. Look at his transformation into an adorable pet

Persian cats

Sinbad, the cat, was in poorly condition when the rescuers first saw him. The Persian cat looked nothing like a living being; it appeared as a fur ball subdued under garbage. But what actually looked like garbage or huge mess was his severely matted fur. The cat was carrying almost half his weight in his fur and needed urgent help and care. Read the full story to know the painful story of Sinbad.

Persian cats

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  • Sindbad was first spotted at an old man’s home. Who hadn’t been able to take care of himself and couldn’t take care of Sinbad, either. The cat remained totally neglected and that explains his extensively matted fur. 
  • A utility worker, who had spotted Sinbad, made a timely move and brought him into The Anti-Cruelty Society, Chicago.
  • The cat was weak and unhealthy due to malnutrition as the cat was underfed. He was in desperate need of help.
  • The volunteers at the shelter house had to struggle to feed Sinbad in order to save his life. They had to feed him forcefully.
  • But the major step that the rescue team had to take was to set Sinbad free of his matted fur. They shaved the entire thick layers of matted fur off his body.
  • After they removed almost five pound of fur off his body, tiny creature Sinbad appeared. “Once free from the mats he just wanted to lie down on somebody’s lap…” said one of the volunteers, Elliot Serrano.
  • Sinbad now looked just like any other adorable, cute little Persian cat. He looked healthy and fresh. 
  • Elliot took Sinbad home, though temporarily. But during the stay Elliot became fond of Sinbad. Sinbad too couldn’t get off Elliot. He would snuggle on to Elliot’s lap for hours.
  • Both of them bonded and Elliot couldn’t give Sinbad up, at all. He decided to adopt Sinbad and take care of him which Sinbad needed and deserved. 
  • “I’m just astounded at how he just loves people, even though people haven’t always treated him very well,” said Elliot, when asked about Sinbad’s social behaviour. “It’s a lesson we could all learn” he added.