According to WHO, Infertility is a Major Issue Now

Infertility is a Major Issue

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that one in six couples worldwide is struggling with infertility. Infertility refers to a condition in which a couple is unable to conceive a child, despite regular unprotected intercourse. Infertility affects both men and women and can be caused by a variety of factors. However, you may say Infertility is Major Issue!

Plenty of Causes

Some of the common causes of infertility in women include problems with ovulation, blockages in the fallopian tubes, or disorders in the reproductive system. 

Men may experience infertility due to low sperm count, poor sperm motility, or structural abnormalities in the reproductive organs. Infertility can also be caused by lifestyle factors, such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and poor diet.

Plenty of Causes

One in Six Affected

1 in 6 couples worldwide faces infertility, no matter how rich or poor they are. WHO says that access to fertility care needs to be improved so that safe and affordable ways to become parents are available to everyone. Nowadays, medical facilities are available worldwide with advanced technology.

We need to take matters into our own hands. So people in the poorest countries can afford what those in the richest can as well. This will only come after a lot of cooperation. 

Source of Stress and Infertility

Infertility can be a significant source of stress and emotional turmoil for couples. In some cultures, there is a stigma attached to infertility. This can further exacerbate the stress and anxiety experienced by couples struggling to conceive. 

Seeking support from a therapist or a support group can help couples manage the emotional impact of infertility. Therapy is more effective than most people give it credit for. Furthermore, couples who face this problem may find a safe place to express their problems without much embarrassment. 

Feeling tired and sad can be a sign of mild depression. If you feel like crying a lot, have no appetite, or feel hopeless, you may have more severe depression. If you feel depressed, you should tell someone you trust or talk to a doctor. They can refer you to therapy, medication, or support to help you feel better. 

One in Six Affected

Therapy Should be Normalized

People who need to go to a therapist should not be afraid or ashamed. We need to tell everyone that it’s okay to go to a therapist. We also need to tell people that it’s okay to get treatment for infertility. 

Treatments include medicine to help women release eggs. Or putting sperm into the uterus, and putting sperm and egg together outside of the body. These treatments can be expensive and insurance may not pay for them, so many couples can’t get them.

Never Lose Hope

In addition, these treatments may not always be successful. And couples may need to try multiple times before achieving a successful pregnancy. Don’t keep thinking about what could have happened in the past or what might happen in the future because you can’t change either of them. 

We all know that infertility is major issue. The only place you have control over is the present. Try to stay in the present and behave in ways that can reduce your stress and anxiety.

Thinking in a new way can change how we act and feel. When we have negative thoughts, it can make us feel hopeless and stop trying. But if we have positive thoughts, we are more likely to solve problems and have success. This is important for couples going through fertility treatment.

Therapy Should be Normalized

Regular Check-Ups

Couples who want to have a baby should prioritize regular check ups with their doctor as part of their overall family planning strategy. It’s better to prevent problems than to treat them later. Feeling stressed or having mental health problems usually does not stop you from having a baby. 

Sometimes stress affects your body, but it usually goes away by itself. Infertility is usually caused by other things like getting older or having certain health problems. So, don’t worry or blame yourself.


Many couples face the problem of not being able to have a baby. It can happen because of various reasons like an unhealthy lifestyle or health problems. But, getting good medical care and support can help. It can make it easier to cope with the situation and increase the chances of having a baby. Eating well, being active, and seeing a doctor regularly can also help. We should tell people about this and support them in getting help early.


1. What causes infertility issues?

Many problems like fibroids and sterilisations.

2. Are infertility issues normal?

Yes, they are very normal.

3. How can I check my fertility at home?

There is a kit called FSH which can help you.

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