All about Image Search Engine Optimization

All about Image Search Engine Optimization | Apzo Media

Images play a crucial role in making the blog posts attractive and appealing. It is not possible to randomly choose the photos from Google and use it on your blog. It would be considered a violation of copyright laws. The newbie bloggers mostly carry out this activity by selecting images from Google and publish it on their blog. But honestly speaking, it would land you in big trouble. The image owner can file a DMCA complaint to your hosting, and it may ruin your credibility in the digital market. The best way is to find an image that is free to use and publish it on your blog. Many tools work as an image search for the users, and offers one of them. The web utility could be the perfect one to find out royalty-free images on the go. 

How does Image Search Tool work? 

The advanced algorithm of photo search makes it possible to find similar images for you within seconds. Along with other web utilities, you can find the Google Reverse Image search tool as well. Which will enable you to find the images that you might be looking for? If you are running a Fashion Blog and looking for some related images, you couldn’t find the one which can resonate with your ideas. In such a scenario, pick your favorite image from Google randomly and upload the tool; it will instantly get similar images. You can choose the appropriate images and use it on your blog. 

How Could Image Search Drive Traffic? 

In the past, you may have thought of using an image search for driving traffic to your website. Finally, you are looking forward to attacking this impressive avenue to grab an extra chunk of traffic to your blog. From the last few years, voice search has become a buzz and hot topic among the SEO community. But many people have overlooked image search. Moreover, it must be your top priority for polishing your search engine optimization efforts. In simple words, images are present on every web page, and you should make it a helpful resource to get the most out of it. 

Many of us are still using oversized stock images without giving proper titles as well. It only makes the page loading speed low, which ultimately increases your bounce rate. Below you’ll find some of the tips to make your photos search engine friendly. 

  • Name Your Photos 

It will consume plenty of your time if there are already a lot of images on your blog. But it is worth to name the images as the search algorithm of image search tools works in a way that fetches the images when entered by the user based on the objects, colors in the image and looks for images which are named after those objects or anything else that is present in the picture. Therefore, in the future, make sure to name all your images before uploading them to the server. 

  • Optimize Alt Tags 

Optimizing the Alt tags has equal importance to that naming the images. It makes the photos to be Search Engine Optimization friendly, and Google has several times stated the importance of image alt text. You can add relevant keywords to the images, and the image search tool will work in the same way. 

Image Search for Backlinks 

An image search also works perfectly for getting extra backlinks to your website. Inbound links are essential for websites. Along with Google, other search engines determine the credibility of a Blog in the Digital market by looking at how many quality websites are referring to it. If a website is using your original image and not pointing towards your website, you can ask them to give the backlink. Such websites could be searched through image search tools. It will make it easy for you to get free incoming links to your site without investing money. 

Bottom Line 

The image search tool is perfect from every aspect, and you can get a lot of benefits out of it. Previously there were only a few channels for the growth of the blog. But now the new advancements have made it possible to grow the traffic from different avenues. It includes image search to social media. You can also grab the traffic from social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and more. But never try to use any black hat SEO trick, because you will ultimately be caught by Google and face the penalty. It is always recommended by the top SEO experts to use white hat tricks for the growth of a blog as it will be beneficial for you in the long term.

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