How To Pick A Corner Lamp That Suits Your Needs

Corner Lamp

A corner lamp is a great way to light up a dark corner in a room. However, if you only let it, corner lights for living room are so much more than that. It is easy to turn a lamp into a decorating feature in a room when you know how to do so. Please feel free to carry on reading our mini guide on room decoration with lights. 

Does My Corner Lamp Need To Go On The Floor? 

When you think about lighting up a corner in a room, the first thing that springs to mind is probably a floor lamp. However, there are many innovative ways of shedding light on a dark corner in the room. 

Floor lamps can make a statement, but they can also take over a room. It is all about finding the corner lamp which is right for you. 

Let A Table Lamp Light Up Your Space

If you are short of space in your home, the corners of your rooms may have to serve dual purposes. Maybe you need a table as well as a nice light? 

In that case, the best thing that you can do, is to take a look at table lights. A tall table light will often give you the same effect as a tall floor lamp. Check out home decor stores and find a design that will look good on your table. 

Should I Think About How Much Light The Lamp Will Throw Out? 

When you are an avid late night reader, you really should bear in mind the amount of light that you need to read safely. Not all corner lights will provide you with enough light to carry on reading at night. 

Then again, maybe you don’t want your corner lamp to be super bright all of the time. If so, the right thing to do is to buy a corner lamp with a dimmer switch. There are plenty of options available. Many of them work well with Smart bulbs.

Where Do I Want The Light Focused? 

You may not want the light focused in the corner itself. Many corner lamps are tall and will extend over a sofa. It is a great way of adding extra light when you only have a small ceiling light. 

Also think about what color lampshade will help to contribute towards the right light level. For instance, a dark shade will make the light look more diffused. A lighter shade will brighten up the entire room and remain a focal point when the lamp is not lit. 

Uplighters In A Dark Corner

A general uplighter in a dark corner will look amazing. It will gently spread the light up towards the ceiling. When the other lights in the room are dimmed or tuned off, an uplighter will still carry on to provide you with interest.

Uplighters come in all shapes and sizes. They can spread their light over a small or large area. Some even can provide you with pinpoint light. 

Can I Use A Spotlight As A Corner Lamp? 

There is no reason why you should not use a spotlight as a corner lamp. It will look more industrial, but over the last few years, industrial lighting has become increasingly popular. 

Spotlights are very functional and they can fulfil a multitude of roles in your home. 

Where Is The Best Place To Buy Room Decoration Lights? 

While it remains popular to buy lights in home decor or specialist stores, more of us than ever before are making our purchases online. 

Amazon is a great place to find new ideas for lights. But, there are also other online stores that sell lights. 

When you are looking for a corner lamp with a difference, it is a good idea to check out one of the smaller online stores such as West Wing. 

Alternatively, you may want to visit your local second hand store. Not only will you be able to pick up some good bargains, but if you are look for a corner lamp, a second hand store is often the best place to find a vintage corner lamp. 

A corner lamp can change the look of a room – it is only a matter of finding one that suits your needs and home decor theme.