Study Finds That Working In Brestaurant Is Detrimental To Women’s Mental Health

credit: people matters

We were all aware that Hooters was not a particularly welcoming environment for women. According to new research published in the journal Psychology of Women Quarterly, working in a “breastaurant” can be harmful to the mental health of servers while also contributing to the objectification of women.

The study included interviews with 202 American waiters and waitresses ranging in age from 18 to 66. 

Moreover, this was seen in highly objectifying workplaces where women were given less responsibility and were ranked lower than men. According to a report published in 2014 by a breastaurant near me. 

About, Working in Breastaurants is harmful to women’s mental health

However,  paint breastaurant, Opportunities Centers United, 80% of women working in restaurants report workplace sexual harassment, and the problem may be even more prevalent in businesses catering to straight men’s desire for sexual gratification. 

The study’s author, Dawn M. Szymanski, claims that Breastaurant employees are “immersed in subcultures and settings where treating women as sex objects is not only promoted but culturally sanctioned.”

As the popularity of these brestaurants has grown in recent years, these concerns have largely gone unheeded. 

According to Joe Hummel, CEO of Restaurant Twin Peaks, the chain’s 63 per cent sales increase from 2013 to 2015 was due in large part to the restaurant’s emphasis on quality rather than quantity. Managers should feel at ease touching the ground. Our girls provide the best service in the industry.

Breastaurants is harmful to women's mental health

The research findings

Dawn Szymanski, PhD, a professor of psychology at the University of Tennessee, and Renee Mikorski, an undergraduate student in the same department, conducted the study.

Researchers conducted in-depth interviews with 252 women over the age of 18 to learn more about the experiences of waitresses in these types of restaurants.

Approximately half of them were under the age of twenty-five and attending university.  Although, the remaining two-thirds identified as middle-class, with a third identifying as working-class.

According to Szymanski and Mikorski, women who work in “sexually objectifying restaurant environments” are more likely to experience a variety of mental health issues

Among the many reported mental health issues were eating disorders

“I wouldn’t want to try any of them,” Szymanski, an expert on “breastaurants,” told Healthline. Szymanski claims that a variety of factors contribute to these mental health issues.

The first is the sexiness of women’s clothing, which frequently exposes a lot of skin (including the women’s cleavage, legs, and, in some cases, stomachs). Furthermore, the women must work four or five eight-hour shifts per week in this environment.

“These things accumulate over time,” says Sharon Lamb, PhD, EdD, a professor of counselling and school psychology at UMass Boston.

According to experts, the most difficult aspect of being a waitress is the lack of management support when a customer gets out of hand or the workload becomes too much.

Waitresses in such a place, according to Lamb, may feel pressured to play nice and maintain the status quo.

“This lack of control can exacerbate the situation,” Burn added. Fashion Psychology Success’ CEO Dawnn Karen is a specialist in these fields. Moreover, karen had previous experience in similar settings as a fashion model. Karen admitted to Healthline that “I was sexually objectified” while working as a model.

Karen’s outlandish upbringing catapulted her to the forefront of the emerging “fashion psychology field.”

“I decided I could either try to set limits at work or do more,” she explained. Waitresses in “breastaurants” deal with a diverse range of customers as well.

Waitresses at Hooters and other restaurants frequently deal with families with young children because, unlike a sports bar, there is no minimum age for customers.

To what end are they employing women?

To what end are they employing women?

Experts disagreed on whether waitresses in “breastaurants” understand the risks they are taking when they accept the job. To begin, many women have financial needs, and these restaurants can assist them in making ends meet.

Many of these women may also have mistakenly believed that harassment would be minimal and that their shifts would be enjoyable.

Those people “have no idea what they’re getting themselves into,” according to Szymanski. “I don’t believe they signed up to be harassed,” Nadrich added.

Some of the waitresses may have had low self-esteem or negative body images when they accepted the jobs, according to experts.

Karen stated that some of the women “want validation on some level.” When some of the women are hired, they “feel like they’ve arrived,” according to Nadrich. However, after a while of working there, those initial highs can quickly turn into lows.

Is there anything else I can help you Brestaurant?

Chain restaurants like Hooters and the Tilted Kilt don’t appear to be going away anytime soon. “You’ll see them if you drive down the street,” Szymanski said of the restaurants.

So, what can be done to lighten the load on these waitresses?

The primary goal was to inform female applicants about the nature of the work. “These girls should be aware of what they’re getting themselves into,” Nadrich cautioned.

According to Szymanski, the hospitality industry should also screen job applicants for mental health issues. Furthermore, Waitresses, according to experts, require more structure and organisation in the workplace.

“Management must treat employees as fully human beings,” said Burn, a college waitress. “There are a lot of issues here that I don’t think people are aware of,” Nadrich added.

Is there anything else I can help you with?


1. What exactly is the meaning of Breastaurant? 

A breastaurant is a restaurant that requires waitresses to dress provocatively. The term first appeared in the United States in the early 1990s, with the establishment of the Hooters restaurant franchise. 

2. What is the level of stress in the restaurant industry? 

Working in the restaurant industry can be difficult and stressful. The work can be challenging, and the hours can be long. During busy meal times, you may feel a lot of pressure to prepare meals quickly without sacrificing quality. Your breaks may be delayed due to the high volume of customers. 

3. Is it difficult to work in a restaurant? 

This industry presents me with more challenges than any other. The restaurant industry is ideal for those who enjoy food and hospitality, but it can be physically demanding.

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