What Are The Antlers For Dog Chew?

Dog Chew

Do you thinking to pet the dog? Or do you recently bought one but need to know the care of the dog? Well, pet animals need proper care and proper nutrition for their growth. Not only this but you also need to do the vaccination is you bought the new born pet animal. 

But if we talk about the dogs then it is the most common pet animal in the world and people likely to bought a puppy and then pet them. Before starting and making up your mind to pet a puppy, you have to grab all the essential information about the dogs. 

Dogs are very good at the perceiving your body language and instructions. They are good at understanding and learning. If you teach them good habits then they adopt the good habit but if you leave them in bad environment then they might end up perceiving bad behavior.  It is you who pet the dog. All the things go along the way you guide them but somehow people lack at the situation when the dogs teeth’s and gums are in process. 

If you have read about the chewers for dogs then you are the lucky one. But if you don’t have any idea about the chewers for your dog then you should stay and read that the chewers like antlers are the best for your dogs. There are many different types of chewers and antlers are available. You can click here for information.  So let’s start from the beginning for those who don’t have know how about the antlers. 

What are antlers chews for dogs? 

A dog uses the antlers for chewing purpose since they have been made but most of the dogs have their teeth on the chewers. They the dog professionals and the pet experts have developed or learned that how much they are effective in their working and the sellers are also happy to buy this product. 

Antlers are made from the dear family and composed of the bony structure that regenerated every year. And these kinds of antlers are grown on the head of the different kind of dears like the moose, reindeer, and elk. But if we talk about the dogs antlers then they are from the moose deer and elk. 

But there is exception that the chews from the moose are so flat that are not the ideal use for the dogs. They also get damages very quickly. But on the other hand the elk antlers are fantastic chews for the dogs.  Now once you have an idea that what are the antlers then you should also know that why you give them to your pet and what is the expert’s reason behind that. 

Why to choose antlers for doges? 

Antlers are made of calcium and phosphorus or contain 50% water in it. It is very nutritious. The marrow present in it very nutritious which is very useful for the health of the dog because the dog have to chew it. Most importantly that it is cure from cancer so, that’s why experts are always tried to prefer giving antlers to the dogs. 

This is not the one reason that you should give the antlers but there still many different type of reason that you should also say that antlers are the best for the dog teeth and gums.  The professionals have also observed that the antlers made of moose ad elk are from the sport dear which is more durable and fresh. Even the dogs love to chew the fresh one rather than the brighter bones.  Some other reasons behind giving the antlers are that they are stain and smell free bony material. Also long-lasting one, that keep your dog interested in the using them.  

Benefits of using antlers

As you have read above that how using these antlers help the Dog Chew and prevent them from the complications and provide various benefits as well. 

  • Clean teeth  

Using antlers are also helping the dog’s teeth to be clean and safe from any pathogen activation. Pet care is necessary so the antlers are also necessary. They tend to help remove the tartar from the teeth. Those antlers which are made up from elk dear provide the fresh antlers. They are fresh in use plus available in many size and you can chose according to your dog size. 

  • Expand the energy

Pet experts and the dog owner also have noticed that the antlers are effective to boost the energy of your dog. The pet experts also suggest that if your dog is less active then other then you should prefer giving them antler because chewing activates your metabolism and increase the energy in your body which makes you active. 

  • No choke possibility

The small bones that are used instead of the antlers to the dogs have the change that the dog might swallow it. But the antlers are so perfect in size that you can walk freely whether your dog is having antler or not. Stays connects with your dog and help in chew the antler. 

  • Last for many weeks  

The quality of antler is described from the lasting experience. If the antlers are of perfect use and stay good in quality and don’t get damaged after some use then it is from dear moose and elk. And if you are facing this problem then run to the market for good antlers.  

  • Dogs out of trouble 

Too calm the dog you can use the antlers because chewing regulates  the relaxing harmones and promote the calmness in your dog which means that you don’t have to worry about that your dog might end up getting irritating. 

  • Nutritious 

As you have read above that the antlers which are from good deer family then the antlers are more nutrition based. It contains the essential minerals and the water content that help you generate the activating in the dog. They are highly nutrient dense and no splintering. 

Bottom line

The long story short is that antlers are somehow providing good effects on the dogs so also must try this and know the difference.