7 Tips to Book the Best Hotel for You

Best Hotel

Nobody wants to book a hotel where he won’t be comfortable, or where he will end up regretting later. So as you read hotel reviews and search for the best available hotels, here are some tips to help you book the best hotel as you embark on your trip.

  1. Book Early:
    When it comes to booking the best hotel, time is of the essence. Many people make the mistake of booking a hotel at the dire minute, or at the exact time they need it. This is not a good thing to do. Just like flights, you are more likely to pay more when you book on the date you want it. So it is better to book your hotel earlier ahead of time. This is because booking early might give you the best and cheapest rates than booking at the spot. Also, booking your hotel early will give you the privilege to select the best hotel rooms available.
  2. Compare and Contrast Before Booking: Before you book your hotel, it is important to compare and contrast all the available options. Don’t just visit one hotel and book. Visit many others. The first hotel you visited might have higher charges than the next one. Also, there rooms might not be as good as the one ahead. So do not just settle with one option when you have many options at your disposal. The good thing is that you don’t even have to visit them one by one. You can simply check their websites and see all their offers. Alternatively, you can also use hotel comparison websites. Instead of searching multiple individual booking websites and comparing your findings, hotel comparison websites will make hotel reviews and also compare rates from these same sources. Many of them even allow you to book from the convenience of a mobile app.
  3. Negotiate Before Paying:
    Who says you cannot negotiate when booking a hotel? Negotiations are allowed. If the hotel rates or charges are too high, you can negotiate for a fair deal with the staff. But you have to be polite about it. Don’t be confrontational. But this can only be possible when you are booking directly with the hotel, not through a third party.
  4. Read Hotel Reviews:
    Before booking that hotel you like, check the reviews online. There are many
    hotel reviews that provide detailed information and insights that have not been disclosed by that particular hotel. So before booking, read the hotel reviews and ascertain if the hotel is good enough for you.
  5. Search for Free Cancellable Reservations:
    When booking a hotel, search for hotels that have offers for free cancellation. Most hotels that have this offer indicate it as “Free cancellation – pay later.” What this means is that you can cancel your room without any penalty and they don’t require you to pay upfront when booking. After booking this hotel, monitor its price and the prices of other hotels to see their differences. Room rates are not static and can fluctuate at any time. So if you are lucky, you might see a better rate somewhere and then cancel your reservation free of charge, without losing a dime. And if you don’t get any better offer, you can come back to this one, knowing fully well that you have secured the best offer available.
  6. Register for the Hotel’s Loyalty Program:
    Loyalty comes with its own shelf-load of benefits, and travel booking is no exception. Every hotel wants to recognize loyal customers, and so, you stand a better chance of getting certain concessions on your booking if you have demonstrated such commitment over time. So if you want to enjoy all the benefits and best offers given by that particular hotel that you like, it will be good to register for the hotel’s loyalty program. This will give you the opportunity to be recognized as a loyal customer and subsequently, be rewarded accordingly.
  7. Contact the Hotel for Enquiries:
    If you are planning to stay at a particular hotel, it may be better to book over the phone as opposed to their website. Speaking to them directly can often result in better rates. The hotel staff may be aware of rates that are not advertised or offered online. At the very least, they should be able to offer some insight on what is affecting their current rates. Events such as conferences, conventions, and concerts can cause hotel rates to rise and this is something you cannot anticipate unless you speak to the hotel directly. Also, if you have any concern from the hotel reviews that you read online, you can speak to the hotel about it and see if they have taken some measures towards addressing it. Furthermore, be aware that holiday seasons may also cause hotel rates to skyrocket. In these cases, it may be wise to research hotels at a further radius from the center of the activity.