5 Reasons Working From Home Can Be More Productive

Working From Home

Getting back into the swing of office working this year means creating an environment that allows employees to work safely, collaboratively, and efficiently. With industry-leading office furniture in Essex, you can make sure your office is installed with contemporary furniture from seating to desks to breakout areas that are made to suit your employee and clients’ needs. 

Over the last couple of years, businesses have had to adapt to a new working way of life. The days of regular office working have had to be put on hold, meaning that some companies had to introduce a hybrid way of working, and some businesses have switched to allowing their employees to work remotely full-time. We’re going to explore 5 reasons why employees may be more productive when working from home. 

Saves Time 

One of the pros of home working is that employees don’t have to commute. Commuting to the office is eliminated which means saving time for your employees and allowing them to focus on the day ahead rather than on any stress that their earlier commute might have caused them. It also means that employees are less likely to be late for work than if they were commuting by train or car, which means that they have more time to get work done during the day. 

Peace and quiet 

Working from home for a lot of us can mean settling in a quiet space, in a spare room or office for the day. You’re able to shut the door to the rest of the house and if you’re lucky enough, maybe everyone else is out for the rest of the day too! Peace and quiet make it easier to think and there is less chance of distraction than if you worked in an office with co-workers, customers, or suppliers coming and going. 

Comfortable Environment 

Creating a comfortable space to work in when you’re working from home is essential. One of the many benefits of working from home is that if you have the equipment, you can work anywhere. You can set your desk in a space that you think is the most suitable and you can make it your own. You can add ornaments or wall art, trinkets to make it feel more like your own. Being comfortable can help towards creativity and productivity. 


Technology has allowed us to adapt to the new normal and is a must-have when working from home. This allows us to communicate with the whole team, via video call, emails, or chat, which is easier than trying to get a hold of someone face to face during office hours. Being able to communicate at the click of a button allows more time for working. 


Working from home gives employees the advantage of not catching common coughs and colds. It also takes away the stress and anxiety that they can often feel when commuting. Remote working can promote mental and physical health, resulting in employees feeling happy and motivated.