10 Tips for Planning a Proposal

planning a proposal

Planning a proposal can be almost as complicated as planning the wedding itself and many people are very anxious to make sure the event turns out perfectly. While there’s nothing that can be done to eliminate all of the stress and worry about an event of this magnitude, there are ways to make the planning more fun and easier.

Decide How Much You Can Spend

The first thing you need to do when planning your proposal is decide on your budget. While everyone has their own individual taste and style, we also have financial limitations. If we know what we want to spend before we get started it will allow us to be more realistic and creative while we’re planning. If you don’t have a very large budget and want to get an expensive ring, you might spend the majority of your money on that important item. If you and your future fiance don’t care as much about the value of the ring, you may be able to spend more on the other areas of the proposal, such as the setting, photographer, and a party afterward. 

Make Sure You Get the Right Ring

Don’t consider buying a ring until you understand what type and style of jewelry your future fiance prefers. You aren’t going to be wearing the ring, so their style and preference are the most important. You might have your own ideas about certain things such as stone size, price, and settings for your engagement ring, but make sure your overall choice is something that will delight them as well.

Get the Ring Sized

Make sure you know what size of ring you are going to be buying before you get it made. The last thing you want to do is be on your knee in front of your future fiance with a ring that won’t even fit. One option is to ask a close family member or special friend if they know your fiance’s ring size. Another option is to sneak one of their rings (as long as it fits them) to find out the size. You can also use a string to measure their finger while they’re sleeping. 

Choose the Date

Make sure you choose the date for the proposal in advance. You will need enough time to book anyone you want to hire, such as the photographer or musician, as well as make sure everyone you’re inviting can attend. If it’s going to be an intimate occasion with only a few people or a completely private occasion with just you and your fiance, it will be easier to choose a date. If you plan to have a party immediately afterward or have her family or friends there, you will have to plan a date farther ahead. 

Plan a Perfect Way to Pop the Question

Once you have the preliminaries out of the way it’s time to begin planning the proposal itself. If you and your fiance are more traditional you may want to go with a traditional proposal, such as during dinner in a fancy restaurant. On the other hand, you might have a less traditional style and be seeking a creative or unusual way to propose. The internet is filled with creative and delightful proposal ideas to help you come up with the best plan that fits your personalities. 

Decide What You Want to Say

Make sure you know exactly what you’re going to say. You probably want to say more than just, “will you marry me.” Plan to tell your fiance why you want to marry them, why you want to spend your life with them, and what you love about them. Decide what you want to say and practice several times so that you won’t forget it when the nerves and excitement hit. 

Plan for the Party

If you’re having an engagement party directly after the proposal you also need to have that planned. If the people you are inviting do not know it’s an engagement party (because you’re not letting them in on the surprise) you can invent another reason for the party, such as a birthday or holiday, or just frame the occasion as a general get-together. Make sure the most important attendees have RSVP’d because they might not know the importance of the party.  

Get Family or Friends on Board

Many modern proposals include family and friends in the special moment. While it can be hard for a large group to keep a secret it can also make for a very special memory. In many of these proposals, the entire group is in on the surprise, while in other cases, no one knows what’s coming until the moment arrives. Either way, it can be a huge organizational task to arrange a proposal with family and friends involved so make sure you give yourself extra time and be ready with any adjustments you might have to make in case of unexpected events like weather problems, delayed flights, or other situations. 

Be Prepared for Changes

With any event as important as a proposal, the planner must be prepared for unexpected events problems, or situations that arise. Make sure you have a Plan B prepared for all unexpected events such as problems with the venue, sickness, situations where important people cannot attend, or issues with any vendors and suppliers. Having as many backup plans as possible can save much in the way of stress and anxiety. 


Whatever style of proposal you and your fiance prefer you can achieve success with proper planning and a long enough time frame. Approach the proposal as a chance to be creative, loving, and romantic and as a memory for both of you to treasure for life.

Also Checkout : Tips For Buying A Diamond Ring