10 Major Mistakes Beauty Salon Loses Customers

Beauty Salon

Customers and clients are the main components of a prosperous salon or spa business. The more customers you have, the more business opportunities and revenues are likely to come by your side every day. There are many Beauty salon business owners who lose customers with each passing day despite a successful launch of the business, the availability of different beauty services, professional staff, and a well-designed business marketing plan. seven out of ten people will never say what they did not like while availing the beauty services provided by you. So, have a look at the main mistakes that keep customers away from your salon centre and possible remedies to get their back. Let’s get started.

  • Low-quality Salon Service

Unsuccessful haircut, hair spoiled by dyeing, zero effect from cosmetic procedures, medical problems caused after receiving beauty salon services, overcharging, etc, are quite common these days. no visitor to the beauty salon is insured against such disappointments. When you advertise your salon business by different means, customers come to you and expect to get beauty services shown in the advertisements.

If they don’t get what was promised, they simply get displeased and stop dealing with you from the next time. Unnecessary delay in service, rude staff, ineffective beauty services- all are sufficient to repel customers away. That is why you should use Salon Appointment management software to make substantial improvements in services. You can book online appointments with customers and help them get the requested beauty services easily and quickly.

  • Negative Feedback & Reviews

80% of all people who visit salon centres say that they check the reviews of salon business organisations and not visit those for which there are a lot of negative reviews and feedback from customers on different web platforms. Negative customer reviews on the Internet can ruin your company’s reputation if you ignore them completely and don’t take active steps to troubleshoot the problem ASAP. Always keep in mind that customer loyalty to your brand may increase when you respond to criticism wisely.

A natural reaction to criticism is the desire to defend oneself and satisfy customers by offering them high-quality beauty services. Be cool and don’t get personal with customers. Thank a customer for reporting the problem. Answer him/her politely. Solve the problem ASAP and inform customers about the measures taken by the company to prevent the problem from recurring. Never argue with professional trolls and competitors who write fake reviews against your company. Just quash their false propaganda with facts and figures.

  • Rude and Unprofessional Staff

Indifferent employees and insiders cause a great loss to the salon business. Most of them can do everything to ensure that the company does not reach success or completely ends up some day. So, insiders download customer bases and go to competitors for a monetary reward. On the other hand, many employees ignore calls from customers, give inappropriate answers them, and show no interest in the fulfilment of their needs.

Rude and unprofessional employees are business killers. They ignore innovations and will do as it suits them. Therefore, use employee performance monitoring software to supervise the work of all employees of the salon centre and reward them accordingly. Kick out non-performing, unprofessional and rude employees ASAP and fill the gap with professional & highly motivated employees to take your business to the next level.

  • Lack of Sanitation in Salon Centre

Sanitary safety is one of the key conditions for a cleaned on a daily basis. successful and growing salon business. No customer will come to your salon if it is dirty. Walls and floors should be smooth and resistant to water. Your beauty salon should have clean premises, washroom, centralized sewage system, cold and hot water supply, and heating devices.

You must organize regular cleaning of the premises with mandatory wet treatment with the use of disinfectants. Clean your salon centre at least 2 times a day. The presence of rodents or insects is unacceptable and employees must use separate equipment for cleaning service rooms and utility areas.

Take special care while working with biological material. All tools, combs, clips and other devices must be cleaned on daily basis. All instruments, devices and preparations in the cabin must have certificates of conformity or safety declarations.

  • High Cost of Beauty Services

The main goal of any beauty salon is to provide beauty services and sell products to customers. The actual cost of beauty services and products depends on the volume of services rendered, return on investment, profitability and business efficiency. High cost for scare off a part of potential buyers and low prices may cause suspicion in the customer of the quality of service. So, it is important to put a legitimate price for beauty services and products that would meet the expectations of potential customers and allow you to make ample revenues every day.

  • A Competitor Salon

A competitor salon can take your customers away by providing excellent beauty services and products to customers. You may have an excellent salon, but all your efforts are totally doomed to failure if there are no customers. As It is impossible to make a profit from the void, you must have a customer base for sales. The bigger our customer base, the better your business will feel every day.

It is foolish to think that someone voluntarily will give up at least part of their accumulated customer base to a novice in the market. Even customers themselves who have been associated with a famous salon centre since long are likely to leave the company easily. Just show diligence and perseverance to lure customers from a competitor. You can use Salon management software to create discounts and loyalty benefits for customers and get them back into your business.

  • Ignoring the Questions of Customers

It is one of the main reasons why customers stop coming to your salon centre are that they don’t get the answer to their critical questions and corners at the right time. So, be active on different online forums and invest in customer care service. It will help you to answer all the important questions of customers, make them happy and retain them once again.

  • No pre-appointment Reminders

There are many customers who book an appointment for a particular beauty service. But they don’t come to avail the requested services. It happens because they forget and you don’t remind them. Therefore, use salon Appointment scheduling software for this work. It automatically reminds customers of their interaction with the service provider through automated SMS and Email reminders and helps them get the requested services.

  • No Focus on Customer Behaviour

There are many salon business owners who don’t track the preferences and likes of customers. They run uniform business marketing campaigns for all customers. Always keep in mind that customers will not respond to your marketing initiatives if they don’t get a solution to their problem or needs. Therefore, you need to use the Salon Appointment management software to monitor user interaction with your brand and offer them personalised solutions. You must know that personalised offers trigger emotions and sales and help to increase revenues.

  • Always Focus on New Customers

Most Salon business owners always focus on acquiring new customers. It’s not fair from a business point of view. They don’t have any plan to get back the lost customers. Always remember that existing customers are more beneficial than new clients. They give 3 times more business opportunities to service providers than a new customer. So, it is important to work with existing customers, congratulate them on holidays, talk about new products, offer cumulative discounts. All these will help you to get more customers and keep them associated with your brand for a long period of time.

Final Words

Many salon business owners become relaxed when their business is in flow. It’s a suicidal attempt. As a serious entrepreneur, you need to be careful while operating daily salon business activities and avoid fatal mistakes. These mistakes can force the shutdown of your business someday if you ignore the problems faced by customers. Be active, use the salon software to automate the business and take it to a new level in a few days. Best of Luck.