SaaS Digital Marketing Best Practices to Follow

SaaS Digital Marketing

How do your digital marketing efforts measure up to those of other SaaS companies? In an increasingly competitive market, running a successful digital marketing campaign is more challenging than ever. But as long as you know who your target audience is and how to reach them, the sky is the limit for increasing your customer base.

 Your goal is to guide potential customers towards purchasing decisions by implementing various strategies at every stage of the purchase journey. This could be done through the use of content marketing, data mining, SEO, social media, and more.

 This article will break down how you can best use these methods to attract new clients for your SaaS company. 

1.  Implement SEO Strategies for Content Marketing

When it comes to SEO for SaaS companies, a few strategies are crucial for success. First, it’s important to understand the nature of your product. While retail and healthcare businesses focus on a product or a disease, SaaS companies are more likely to be found by prospects looking for a solution to their software problem. 

  • Identify relevant keywords tailored for SaaS.

You need to develop a keyword strategy that’s based on user search intent. This means you must focus on the problems your potential customers are most likely facing. You want them to find you based on the search terms they use when they do a Google search.

For example, if you’re providing cloud storage space, instead of using the broad term, you can use keywords like “data backup options,” “Google drive alternative,” “cloud storage downtime,” or “data storage hacked.”  

This requires a deep dive into keyword research to identify long-tail keywords that are less competitive but are generating enough traffic because they zero in on specific problems. You can use tools like Ahrefs, Ubersuggest, and Keywords Everywhere to find the right keywords.  You can then use them to optimize your content and rank well in search engines. 

  •  Create optimized content.

Aside from writing high-quality articles with relevant keywords, you must also use metadata properly. Keep in mind that you are not only writing for your target audience, but you are also writing to appeal to search engine crawlers.

The purpose is to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs) by providing readers with content that meets the requirements of Google’s algorithm. Optimized content requires two major characteristics: relevance and authority. To rank high in SERPs, articles should be specific, relevant, and authoritative.

Your page and post titles and descriptions are the information that appears on the results page when a user makes a search query for a particular keyword. Meta titles should include a keyword and must be 50-60 characters long.

Meta descriptions should provide concise information about the page content and must be 150-160 characters. Increased visibility of your SaaS will also improve your organic traffic. So, don’t neglect this important SEO technique.

  • Make your website responsive and mobile-friendly.

Of the 4.66 billion active internet users globally, 4.32 billion use mobile devices. This means you need to optimize your website for phones, tablets, and other mobile devices.

You can make your site mobile-friendly by implementing a responsive web design in which the website responds to the screen size of the device, providing for a user-friendly experience specific to each device.

With Google’s switch to mobile-first indexing, it’s a wise move to have a mobile-friendly website.

  •  Obtain backlinks from authority sites.

Backlinks are an essential part of off-page SEO as well as a Google ranking factor. Your site’s search engine ranking can be improved by establishing backlinks from authority sites.

Authority sites have earned the trust and respect of readers through the valuable and useful content they publish. 

Think of it this way, a site with greater authority is indirectly sharing its reputation with a weaker site. If there are more authority links to your site than there are links to your competitors, you’re winning the competition. 

How to get backlinks from authority sites?

>        Create unique and engaging data-driven content that will outrank and outperform the top competition.

>        Write guest posts to authority sites.

>        Link to authority sites within your niche and let them know. They are likely to reciprocate if your content is high-quality.

>        Help A Reporter Out. You can pitch your answer or article to journalists. If they agree to use your content, then you get a backlink. 

2. Establish a Strong Social Media Presence

With more than 4.2 billion active social media users globally, it would be a grave mistake not to create a social media presence for your SaaS company. It’s an opportunity to reach a wider audience and build awareness for your brand.

Social media sites like Instagram and TikTok are mostly about the visuals—images, videos, reels, and shorts. So how can your SaaS company get into this space when you’re essentially selling an intangible cloud-based product? Creativity plays a key role in making social media work for your company.

For instance, Instagram is an unlikely choice for a SaaS company because it just seems like an odd fit. But using Instagram hashtags can dramatically improve your SaaS company’s reach and visibility in the social media space and potentially in search engines.

Before creating and publishing any content, you must first identify the hashtags relevant to your niche. Flick has a data-driven Instagram hashtag research strategy that can help increase your brand’s visibility and discoverability on Instagram.

Once you identify the hashtags, create engaging posts and use up to 30 hashtags. Make sure your Instagram profile contains a link to your website, a sales page, or cornerstone content. 

When done right, Instagram engagement can help boost traffic to your site and generate more quality leads. 

3. Leverage Data for Precision Targeting

If you’re getting site traffic but no one is subscribing to your SaaS software, it’s likely that you are targeting the wrong audience. To remedy this, you must get relevant data and use it to your advantage.

Web scrapers like ScrapFly can extract data from different websites and online platforms.  With data mining, you can find trends, patterns, and behavior that can help you better understand your ideal customers and how to best serve them.

With the data that you have, you can gain insight into different audience demographics which you can use to effectively promote your SaaS product to the right prospects. It will help you create effective marketing campaigns and produce content that matches your customers’ needs.  

4. Improve Customer Service to Reduce Customer Churn

Customer churn is the measure of how many customers leave your business over a specific time period.  

Your SaaS company can prevent or reduce customer churn by paying attention to the reasons why they are choosing to leave and then making adjustments to fix those problems.

 Here are ways to make your customers want to stay with you and become lifelong brand ambassadors:

 >        Reinforce the value of your SaaS product at every opportunity. You can do this when sending a renewal reminder, posting a new blog, or engaging with them on email or social media. Let them know what they’ll be missing out on when they cancel.

 >        Create less friction during onboarding. Reduce the need for customers to take unnecessary action to use the product. Walk them through on how to use your product every step of the way. For example, you can put a link to the video tutorial on the welcome page. 

>        Listen to customer feedback and take action to improve your service. When a customer leaves, ask for a reason why. This will give you an insight into what needs to be fixed.

 >        Add a “pause subscription” option so that customers don’t cancel right away.

Reducing churn can be achieved by finding out what makes your customers feel valued and what will make them want to stay with you. Churnkey helps you diagnose the source of churn and provides data-driven customer retention strategies to make your customers stick around.