Can Poland Syndrome Be Fixed?

Poland Syndrome

Poland syndrome is a disorder in which one body area lacks muscular function. The most noticeable symptoms are the deficiency of chest wall musculature and webbed fingers within the same part of the body.

Poland syndrome is derived from the work of Alfred Poland, a Physician who initially described the illness. Poland syndrome, often known as Poland anomaly and Poland sequencing, is genetic.

The ailment was initially identified in the nineteenth century and is still relatively uncommon today. Poland syndrome affects one every 10,000 – 100,000 persons, according to the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI). Even though the illness is genetic or present from birth, most people are unaware of it before reaching adolescence, and the signs become more prominent.

This fact may cause the actual figures to be skewed. For example, Poland syndrome affects one out of every 20,000 births, according to the National Library of Medicine of the United States.

Poland syndrome symptoms

Poland syndrome patients have an uneven physical frame. On one-half of their physique, the chest musculature is underdeveloped, resulting in an asymmetrical appearance. As a result, all the symptoms of Poland syndrome appear just on one side of the frame.

The following are possible symptoms of the disorder:

  • a lack of apparent chest musculature in the pectoral region
  • a chest with a concave appearance
  • a nipple that is undersized or absent on the afflicted side
  • underarm hair is gone
  • a shoulder that appears to be “missing.”
  • a shoulder blade that is raised
  • a ribcage that is not fully formed

One hand has shortened fingers within the same half as the afflicted section of the chest muscle.

flappy or stuck-together fingers, one side of the forearm is shorter than the other

Breasts that are not fully formed in women

Poland Syndrome Causes

Poland syndrome’s precise etiology is unknown. However, experts say the condition appears in a pregnancy at the six-week point. This is because the baby’s growth depends on blood circulation at about this phase of pregnancy. When the blood supply to the tissue that surrounds the chest or rib cage is interrupted, Poland syndrome can develop.

Scientists are not clear if Poland syndrome could be passed down from generation to generation. There are no obvious genetic indicators for the disease. It is conceivable — but uncommon — for a household to have many members with the disease. Even yet, each human’s severity is generally different.

Poland Syndrome Diagnosis

The symptoms and severity determine when Poland syndrome is diagnosed. Even if the disease is apparent at infancy, you might not even experience or detect signs until you reach puberty. Severe instances are more noticeable at delivery. Fingers that are undeveloped may be the first to be recognized.

Your doctor may diagnose for indications of Poland syndrome within a physical examination. They would also inquire about when you first experienced the symptoms.

The health assessment and diagnostic tests, like Ct scanners, Mri scans, or X-rays, are used to identify Poland syndrome.

CT scans or MRIs are beneficial in informing your doctor about which muscle fibers are afflicted. X-rays, however, reveal whichever bones are afflicted from within. X-rays are helpful for:

  • hands
  • ribs
  • blades of the shoulder
  • forearms

The treatment of Poland syndrome

The most successful therapy treating Poland syndrome is restorative surgery. It entails filling up missing areas with existent chest wall musculature (or even other musculature all through the anatomy as necessary). Then, a procedure can transplant ribs into the proper position. Your treatment includes surgery to repair several bones, including many in your hands and fingers, on the afflicted side.

Surgery may or may not be recommended at the initial diagnosis. It’s because you may still be growing, and surgery may exacerbate any imbalance. Women may have to wait till their breast growth is complete before proceeding. Breast implants may be used to generate breast mounds in some persons.

The therapeutic tattoo can sometimes be performed to make up for an absent nipple.

Poland Syndrome’s Prognosis

Poland syndrome can be treated after it has been identified. The importance of early detection and intervention in minimizing long-term impairment cannot be overstated. However, the degree of the ailment varies among individuals, with physicians generally able to anticipate the prognosis more accurately in minor cases.