Learn About Brandon Scott Hole, The FedEx Indianapolis Shooter

Brandon Scott Hole

Do you wish to know about the FedEx mass shooting incident that occurred this year? Well, then you must be thinking who this Brandon Scott Hole person is. Well, don’t worry because we will provide you with all the information on the incident. 

So, in this year’s month of April, we witnessed a horrific incident near Indianapolis. So, as per the reports, on the 15th of April this year, a person mass shot at a FedEx warehouse, near Indianapolis. The police have identified the man as Brandon Scott Hole, a teenager. 

The sources tell that the teenager has killed eight people and injured nearly 58-60 people in the warehouse. So, if you wish to know more about the FedEx shooting incident then follow this article for more information. 

Who Is This Guy Brandon Scott Hole?

Well, Brandon Scott Hole, who is around 19 years old is the mastermind behind the crime that took place on this year’s 15th April. So, as we said earlier, this incident occurred near FedEx Warehouse, Indianapolis according to the sources. 

In fact, it’s also worth noting that that Brandon’s family had warned the authorities about his potential for violence before the mass shooting even took place. 

So, on that day, he took out his weapon from his trunk and then started shooting for about two minutes. Moreover, this incident happened during the night shift change at the FedEx warehouse, according to the witnesses. 

Furthermore, an employee whose name is Jeremiah Miller told the police that he saw the mass shooting unfold inside the warehouse. So, he said that he had seen a man with a submachine gun and an automatic rife. He added that he had seen the man going inside and then starting to fire in the open. 

So, during that time he said, “I immediately ducked down and got scared and my friend’s mother, she came in and told us to get inside the car”. It’s also worth mentioning that the FBI had soon come to the scene and searched Brandon Scott Hole’s home upon the shooting. 

Know About The Shooter’s Fate

After that incident had taken place, the police came to the scene. They came to Mirabel road at around 11 pm and found a lot of bodies all over the warehouse, one of them being Hole’s. So, police suspected that the man shot himself in the head after the police had arrived on the scene. 

According to the police dispatch audio that the sources have published, we have got to know that they described the man as a white male, wearing a hat. In fact, they also added that he most likely had carried a gun. 

“We have the suspect here inside it looks like. Looks like he has a gunshot wound to the head. Two rifles here” is what a senior officer had told the media. Moreover, they also affirmed that unless somebody else who’s equally suspicious comes out of the warehouse, he’d remain the prime suspect. 

Aftermath Of The FedEx Massacre

The police of Indianapolis spoke to the reporters and said that it was indeed a heartbreaking situation. Moreover, he also applauded the efforts of the police and expressed his heartful grief. 

As per the reports, police identified the man as Brendan Scott Hole. However, they don’t have clue whether he worked at the facility or not. Since FedEx at Indianapolis has more than 4.5k employees, it’s going to be a tough job knowing.

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