Firm vs Soft Mattress: Don’t Sleep on This Comparison Guide!

Firm vs Soft Mattress

If you are trying to look into your health and wellness, look no further than your sleep habits. When you have a comfortable quality mattress and a sturdy bed, it’s easier for you to drift off, recuperate, and show up refreshed in your everyday life.

Some people prefer a firm mattress while others would rather have a soft mattress. Which one is the best decision?

Here’s what you should know about choosing a firm vs soft mattress. 

Why You Might Want a Firm Mattress

Firm mattresses are popular for a lot of reasons. This might surprise you since many people think of plush cushions when they think of a good night’s sleep. 

However, firm mattresses offer plenty of value because of how sturdy they are. Here are some reasons why people decide to go with firm mattresses:

  1. It Offers You Plenty of Back Support

Back problems are a pain issues that 80% of people will experience. It’s a chronic pain problem that you typically have to work with frequently, as opposed to expecting a one-time fix. 

Everything from a poor sleeping position, stress and bad posture can play a role in your back tightening up and giving you pain. You’ll have to continuously evaluate the back support that you’re getting, stretch, apply hot and cold therapy, and more. 

When you go with a firm mattress, you can count on back support for your 8+ hours of sleep, which can heal your body and make you more comfortable in your waking life. 

  1. It Does Away With Muscle Stress and Strain

A firm mattress requires your bones to carry your weight as opposed to your muscles. As such, your muscles won’t have to brace and tense up throughout the night. 

This undoes the burden that your muscles take on, and can instead allow them to relax. You’ll do away with strain and won’t have to deal with the same aches and pains. 

  1. Firm Mattresses Are Best for Your Blood Circulation

Blood circulation is useful in improving a person’s overall health. This improved circulation does away with pain and also helps you to get rid of toxins. 

Healthy blood flow can keep your blood pressure healthy, improve circulation to your brain, and help you to have less swelling in your joints. 

  1. Your Body Can Quickly Adapt to a Firm Mattress

Firm mattresses are also a great option because your body can quickly adapt to it. This may not immediately be your preference, but the human body is equipped to adjust to the point that it will soon become the norm. 

Conversely, it may take more time and effort to get used to a softer mattress if your body is accustomed to firm options. 

Why You May Prefer a Soft Mattress

Many sleepers may prefer a soft mattress. Here are some of the reasons that this may suit your preferences:

  1. It Lets You Snuggle Into Comfortable Positions

A softer mattress has more give, which may bode well for different body types. You can try different positions to see which makes you comfortable. 

If you’re someone who naturally tosses and turns at night, perhaps going with a softer mattress can help you find a position that works best for you. 

  1. They Can Ease Pain on Your Joints

People that deal with arthritis, knee pain, hip pain, and pain in any joints will appreciate the give that a softer mattress provides. Your body can sink into the mattress without having to carry as much of your weight. 

These mattresses allow you to contour your hips and to shift your shoulders with more flexibility. That way, you can ease the pain that you’ll feel in other areas of your body. 

  1. Soft Mattresses Are Easily Adaptable

The mattress itself comes with flexibility because you’re not just limited to buying a brand new mattress. If you have a firmer mattress, for instance, you can also lay some softer padding over top of it to make the adjument. 

This way, you get an entire layer of softness to cradle your body at a fraction of the cost of a new mattress. 

  1. Side Sleepers May Prefer It

Finally, soft mattresses are the option of choice for sider sleepers. You’re putting pressure on your spine, neck, hips, and knees sleeping on your side with a firm mattress. With a softer mattress, it’ll contour to your side position and give you support, rather than causing you to lay at awkward angles that create pain and discomfort. 

You can use the tips above and research some mattress trials to see what others are saying about the best options on the market. Try these mattresses out in person whenever possible so that you know what you’re buying. 

Firm vs Soft Mattress: What’s the Verdict?

So what should you know about choosing a firm vs soft mattress? As you can see, it’s a matter of preference, and there are plenty of variables that go into the decision. 

Think about your comfort zone and health needs and keep these tips in your back pocket as you begin shopping around. From there, you’ll need to find the help of a mattress shop that can sell you either a soft or firm option that will work for you. 

We’ve got you covered when you’re in the market for a mattress, or if you need information on a host of other topics. 

Use us as a guide when you are starting to shop for a new mattress. 

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