5 Can’t-Miss Ways to Save On Electric Bill Payments

Electric Bill Payments

You just got your monthly electric bill, and wow! How did it get so high?

You start wondering if there are ways to save on your electric bill. The good news is yes! There are tips for saving on your energy bill that allow you to keep your money where it belongs: in your wallet.

Whether you adjust your thermostat or discuss a budget payment with your electric company, there are several different ways to save money each month.

Want to know how you can lower your monthly electric bill? Then keep reading and get ready to save big.

5 Ways to Save on Electric Bill

Do you find yourself constantly raising and lowering your thermostat? If so, you may want to invest in a smart thermostat.

  1. Programmable Thermostat

Every time you adjust your thermostat you’re causing your furnace to work harder. Consider investing in a programmable smart thermostat that will automatically adjust your home’s temperature throughout the day.

The less you adjust your thermostat, the more constant your bills will be. 

  1. Save on Laundry

If you do your wash in hot water, consider switching to cold water. Hot water causes your water heater to work harder, raising your energy bills. 

Another thing to consider is the temperature of your thermostat. In addition to being a safety precaution in case children are in your home, you should aim to keep your water heater at 120 degrees

  1. Go on a Budget

Monthly budgets with your electric company are an amazing way to help keep your payments constant throughout the year. They often recommend being in your home for a full year in order to analyze your usage, but you can go on a budget at any time.

Your monthly bills are calculated and an average budget is created for you. If you use more electricity than planned, you settle up with your energy company once a year. 

If you used less than budgeted for, you get a credit. 

  1. Seal Drafty Windows and Doors

A large source of heat and cool air escaping your home is due to drafty windows and doors with large gaps.

In order to reduce your monthly electric bill, make sure these gaps are properly sealed. You can use caulk to close gaps around windows and a door draft stopper.

Another excellent way to weatherproof windows is with a plastic window insulation kit. These are installed with tape and can help keep heat in during the cold winter months, saving you big.

  1. Look for Energy Efficient Appliances

You don’t have to run out and replace every appliance in your house, but if you’re looking for a new washer and dryer, look for ones that are energy efficient. As appliances need replacing, upgrade them all to energy efficiency.

You can save over $180 a year just with an energy-efficient refrigerator. Think of the savings if all your appliances were energy efficient. 

If these tips and tricks aren’t enough, another great option is an electricity scout. You can browse different energy providers in your area based on things like customer reviews and cost. 

Savings You Can Count On

Whether you compare energy providers, invest in a smart thermostat, or update appliances to more energy-efficient ones, there are countless ways to save on your electric bill.

Be sure to check out our website for the most up to date real estate, business, and lifestyle information, and never miss another article about energy saving tips and tricks.