Digital Marketing 101

Digital Marketing

If you are planning to launch a new business in 2022, you will, of course, be thinking about marketing and as we are living in a digital world, your marketing needs to be online. To someone who knows little about IT, online marketing can seem like a nightmare and in this article, we aim to give you some basic background information on digital marketing.

Web development

Of course, your business needs a website and unless you happen to be a web developer, you should outsource this to a leading web design company. Your website is your portal to the online world and it is very much a reflection of your company and what you are all about. Pages need to load fast and your site should be all-device compatible, while it should also be easy to navigate and have quality content.

Range of digital marketing services

The digital marketing agency would offer many different services, which would include the following:

  • Social media marketing – Known as SMM in the trade, this is one of the most powerful strategies out there; every man and his dog has a Facebook account and with a digital marketing agency in your corner, you can generate a large Facebook and Twitter following. The agency manages your social media accounts, commenting and interacting with users around the clock and generally promoting your business.
  • Search engine optimization – SEO is a critical service that every business needs; there are SEO Services in Bangkok from an award-winning agency that has all the solutions. Millions of consumers use Google to find products and services and if your site is fully optimised for Google searches, you can enjoy a high volume of organic search traffic that could result in sales.
  • Building links – Google notices valid links and the more you create the better your ranking; the digital marketing agency has a team of link-building experts and they can create inbound and outbound links. There are several ways to add links and over time, the agency can put out many inbound links onto the web.
  • Pay per click advertising – PPC can be a very effective way to reach your target audience; you only pay when a user clicks on your ad and with some professional help, you can create a winning Google Adwords campaign. The experts know the best platforms to place your ads and they are able to give you a good roi.
  • Email marketing – Email marketing can be very effective, especially when you enlist the help of a leading digital marketing agency. Create a special offer and deliver it to your entire customer base via email; research tells us that people read emails, far more than they do SMS and with the right content, existing customers respond positively to email marketing.
  • Outreach blogging – This is a strategy that puts many links onto the Internet in the form of articles that contain links to the client’s website; you can order a set number of blogs to be posted each month, gradually adding to the links you have on the web. If you would like to learn more about outreach blogging, talk to a leading digital marketing agency and they would be happy to show you how this technique can help your business.

Performance based sector

The digital marketing sector is very competitive and agencies are judged by how well they perform; if an agency has a good reputation and an impressive client list, these are signs of a successful company. Every digital marketing agency should be able to furnish you with client testimonials, which is a good indication of what to expect.

Proposing a digital marketing plan

When you make an enquiry with a digital marketing agency, the first thing they will do is carry out an online audit of your business and this data helps the agency to formulate a digital marketing plan. You could ask 3 or more agencies to compile an effective digital marketing plan and compare the results.

Whether you are setting up your business in Thailand or anywhere else for that matter, you should join forces with a leading digital marketing agency at the very outset.