Elizabeth Banks Movies are Becoming Woke

Elizabeth Banks Movies
Credit: the new york times

Elizabeth Banks movies have become quite woke these days. She recently admitted that she regretted the marketing strategy for the 2019 “Charlie’s Angels” reboot movie. The marketing campaign made it clear that the movie was “woke”. And part of the #MeToo movement, which was met with backlash.

Woke isn’t the Way

In an interview, Elizabeth Banks said that she was proud of the movie and the message it conveyed. However, she acknowledged that the marketing campaign did alienate a lot of people. They were probably not interested in the themes. 

Elizabeth Banks stated that the marketing approach was meant to be empowering. And to highlight the movie’s strong female leads. However, it may have come across as preachy and condescending to some viewers. Many female YouTubers and writers also criticized this fact. That the men in the movie were either portrayed as villains or idiots. 

Woke isn’t the Way
Credit: giant freaking robot

Negative Depictions

Polarized depictions of either gender will always tank horribly at the box office. Moreover, if directors do it in the name of social justice, people will indeed become angrier. Nobody likes an overtly preachy movie populated by self-righteous characters. I guess Elizabeth Banks forgot that while making the remake of a beloved franchise. 

Her statements now are pretty awkward. She said she didn’t want the movie to be only for girls. But during the marketing campaign, she did lash out at a lot of movies with diverse gender roles. Who knows, she might have had a change of heart.

Negative Depictions

No Regrets

Despite the negative reaction to the marketing campaign, Elizabeth Banks does not regret making the movie itself. She believes that the movie was important in its portrayal of strong, capable women. And that it was a step forward for representation in Hollywood. She remained apologetic when the movie tanked as well. 

There was a press conference where Banks directly accused men as a whole of not watching “Charlie’s Angels” because they don’t like female leads. However, this is just an overreaction. Her own movie “The Hunger Games” which came out in 2012 met with a solid reception from fans, most of whom were men. 

No Regrets

A Little Improvement

So dumping all the blame on an entire gender for a badly written, poorly directed movie will always backfire in the worst possible way. You forgot this very important fact, Madam Banks. 

Elizabeth Banks hopes that the movie’s legacy will be its positive impact on the entertainment industry. She wants to inspire more movies and TV shows that feature diverse casts and tell empowering stories. Moreover, she hopes she can emerge from the mess that “Charlie’s Angels” was. It is too early to say what will happen in the future though. 


It seems a little problematic now, but Banks takes some lessons from her failure and improves them in the next venture, perhaps it will do something positive. It is important to note that people can change their minds and opinions over time. Moreover, it is possible that Elizabeth Banks had a change of heart or realized that the marketing strategy may have limited the movie’s audience.

In the end, Elizabeth Banks is proud of her work on “Charlie’s Angels” and believes that it was a necessary addition to the conversation about representation and empowerment in Hollywood. Although the marketing campaign may have been a misstep, she remains committed to telling stories that inspire and uplift audiences.


1. How many Elizabeth Banks movies and tv shows are there?

She has made nearly 60 movies and tv shows. 

2. Which Russell Crowe Elizabeth Banks movies are there?

They acted together in “The Next Three Days.”

3. Was Charlie’s Angels a box office disaster?

Yes, it was a big disaster.

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